NLC launches ‘Leasehold is NOT Home Ownership‘ London Bus Campaign.

We have commissioned 40 London buses around Westminster to spread our message and raise awareness.

The initiative will be seen on the back of London buses circulating the capital for the next month.

Katie Kendrick, founder of the NLC states

“Following the King’s Speech, which announced the up and coming Leasehold and Freehold Bill, we really are at a crucial time in the campaign. This is no time for consultation fatigue, we urge all leaseholders to complete the governments new consultation on restricting ground rent for existing leases. The NLC is urging all existing ground rents are set at a peppercorn. It’s the only way to bring the existing leaseholders in line with the new. It’s good for consumers and it’s good for lenders.

Rishi Sunak tweeted “I want to make the dream of homeownership a reality for more people”.

Katie Kendrick states “What Rishi Sunak needs to realise is for too many leaseholders the dream of homeownership has been turned into a complete nightmare. They have become embroiled in an iniquitous system which they never knew existed. Leaseholders remain trapped in the building safety crisis, living in unsafe buildings through no fault of their own”

“Every day sales are falling through due to onerous ground rent terms or extortionate service charges. It really is a David V’s Goliath battle that needs to be dealt with once and for all”.

Cath Williams, Co-founder of the NLC states “Leaseholders have had enough of endless words and false promises. This is the final chance for this government to help existing leaseholders. 5 million Leaseholders will not be forgiving if they fail to deliver”.

Jo Darbyshire, Co-founder of the NLC states “Leaseholders have woken up, it’s time the government did. The only way true homeownership can be delivered is by ensuring Commonhold is the preferred alternative to leasehold”.



Many thanks to those who donate to the NLC. Without your kind donations we wouldn’t be able to fund such campaigns. Last month we commissioned NLC Digital Advans to deliver a strong message at party conferences in Bournemouth, Liverpool and Manchester.